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Vorh.Seite Nächste Seite Machinenwissenschaft ist über alle anderen von großem Nutzen, da durch sie alle sich bewegenden Körpern ihre Operationen durchzuführen.(Leonardo da Vinci)

Type FL air pads shall give a very good resistance to wear, a low friction (approximately load/1000) and a low air consumption for a well fitted installation. They may be used with both air or water.

They are preferred for almost constant high loads and for special applications.

Type S (standard) has a maximum bearing capacity from 500 to 15,000 kg with a maximum air pressure of 1 bar (100 kPa). Type HP (high pressure) has a doubled bearing capacity with a maximum air pressure of 2 bar (200 kPa). Type SHP has a bearing capacity 3.5 times higher with a maximum pressure of 3.5 bar (maximum capacity per element 50,000 kg).

Section Pad
Type Capacity Dimensions (mm) Air consump- Fitting
kg L l H1 H2 A(raise) tion (Nl/1')
FL 25 S 300 250 27 39 5-8 80-150 1/4"
FL 30 S 500 300 27 39 6-10 100-200 1/4"
FL 40 S 1,000 400 27 39 9-16 130-250 1/4"
FL 50 S 1,800 500 25 40 9-16 240-450 1/2"
FL 70 S 3,000 700 25 40 12-25 400-750 1/2"
FL 90 S 6,000 900 25 65 19-32 500-1000 3/4"
FL 1205 S 10,000 1250 25 65 19-51 800-1200 3/4"
FL 1218 S 15,000 1200 1800 25 65 19-51 1200-1500 1"
FL 125 HP 20,000 1250 25 65 19-51 1200-1500 1"
FL 1218 HP 30,000 1200 1800 25 65 19-51 1500-1800 1"
FL 125 SHP 35,000 1250 25 65 19-51 1500-1800 1"
FL 1218 SHP 50,000 1200 1800 25 65 19-51 1800-2400 1"
· Capacity will vary with floor conditions.
· Air consumption and raise are a function of floor conditions, of load and of air pressure.
· Ask for other dimensions.


PREXCO srl - Via Primo Maggio, 10 - I-46051 SAN GIORGIO BIGARELLO MN - IT01264000207 - info@prexco.it